My Daily Writing Routine (Plus, 3 Tips for Creating Your Own)!
Updated: Aug 3, 2024

I love hearing about other authors' routines and drawing inspiration from their unique processes. Thus, I decided to make a post of my own, giving a glimpse into my day-to-day life as a young author! I'll also be sharing three simple tips that have changed the way I organize my schedule and manage my time more efficiently.

I'll be the first to say that, naturally, I am not good at managing my time. 'Tis one of my many weaknesses in which the Lord has been patiently instructing me. Maybe you can relate? This subject is close to my heart as I have grown and learned much in it, and I continue to.
Of course, I don't have time to write all day every day (while that would be amazing...). Because of this, I have three separate writing routines I tend to follow: morning, afternoon, and evening. Depending on what I have going on, I allot my writing into one of these time-frames! The rest of my time I spend with my family, at my job, or working on my business.
The first thing I do when I get up is spend time talking with Jesus and reading my Bible. Then I get dressed and do some light yoga to get my body moving.
After this, I make my first cup of tea (Earl Gray, most days, but I'm also fond of Celestial's Pumpkin Spice) and eat breakfast with my family.
I find I am not effective whatsoever if I don't pray and tidy up my desk area first. Then, I begin writing! These days, I have been writing outdoors more because of how beautiful it is. The changing leaves are breathtaking and the temperature has been perfect.
I use the Pomodoro method for writing sprints: 25 minutes on, 5 minutes off. During breaks, I'll sneak in a workout, a nature walk, or another London fog (I'm... slightly addicted to these, haha).

If I'm at work that day, I use my afternoon to write!
First, I eat lunch (I'll often eat while writing) and make another cup of tea. I tend to do quick and easy things for lunch like a salad, avocado toast, or hummus & turkey wraps.
Before I write, I'll spend a few minutes praying or doing a quick breathing exercise to clear and refocus my mind. I often outline, brainstorm, or edit during the afternoons since I'm usually in a better headspace for that. Drafting requires a higher level of focus and immersion for me, which is hard to do when I'm out of the house.
Sometimes, I don't have time for writing at all due to other commitments, so I write after dinner. Per usual, I take time to pray and make more tea (I promise I'm ok. I just really like tea.) before I begin writing.
The evening is my favorite time to write, and it's also when I'm the most creative. (Seriously, my 8-11 o'clock brain is brilliant, and I have no idea why.)
Even if I don't do my usual evening writing routine (like if I wrote earlier in the day), I always spend 10-20 minutes writing poetry before I turn my lights out. Poetry is my way of processing emotion and getting my crazy thoughts sorted so I can rest.

1 | Evaluate Your Schedule
Try making a list (mental or physical) of your current commitments, and take inventory of your free time. What have you been spending your time on? What are your top priorities? What needs to go?
It may feel overwhelming initially, but sitting down to do this is SO worth it. I also highly recommend this post from Abbie Emmons on finding time to write. It's short and extremely helpful (at least for me)!
2 | Make Time for Rest
This might seem like a no-brainer, but it's easy to overlook. As I always say, you can't pour from a cup if the cup is empty. Just because you may have free time doesn't necessarily mean you should fill it with more commitments. Fill it with something that will refuel you.
This can include taking a walk, reading, sitting in silence, or going to bed earlier (if you know me, you know...). I love painting, listening to music and podcasts, or meeting a friend for coffee.

3 | Give Yourself Grace
There is no "right" schedule, nor is there a "perfect" schedule. Remove the pressure to fit a certain writing routine. Instead, find a process that works for you, uniquely, and it will grow and shift as you do.
Remember: your routine is meant to serve you, not for you to serve the routine. It's okay if there are off days, unproductive days, chaotic days, and discouraging days. Everyone has them. It's all a part of the journey and flourishing as writers and people.

What is YOUR favorite time to write (morning, afternoon, evening) and why? Is it hard to balance life with writing, or is it just me? What helps you refuel and focus? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
I can't write in the afternoon. Why? I have no idea. But I just can't get my brain to be quiet unless there isn't sun outside or I didn't just wake up. XP
Girl, this was AMAZING! So inspiring and lovely. You're killing it on blogging, girlfriend!
Girl, I love tea too. I totally get it XD
Also, awesome post!
Oh, that's a brilliant idea to have a different writing routine depending on what time of the day it is! I should do that! I used to have a writing routine, but lately I've fallen off track with that. Probably because I need to make a new one more suited to my current life 😅 Thank you for this inspiring post, Ava!
A good run is one of my favorite ways to refocus (I always, in jest, advise friends to be careful not to get too good at running, or else you'll need at least an hour to get in a 'good run' and that can get time-consuming!) and my absolute favorite time to write is at night around ten (not too early, not too late). I've certainly wondered if I feel like I write better nocturnally because I am better then, or if my perception just dissipates!