Publishing More Poetry! (Introducing... 'Between the Lines Anthology')
Updated: Oct 24, 2024

I'm so grateful and excited to be sharing about this collection of poetry put together by my friends and fellow authors at Skillful Pen Press! Between the Lines is their newest collection of poetry, featuring poems from 21 different authors around the world (including 3 of my own), and is centered around themes of love and faith enduring through trials. And it is beautiful. So many talented writers submitted their poems to this -- I can't wait for you to learn more about the book and hopefully get to read some of their work!

Between the Lines
Our poetry anthology, Between The Lines features sixty poems by twenty-one different authors. Centered around themes of love, struggles, and faith in Jesus, this anthology is an uplifting book, full of poems that can be remembered and loved by people of all ages for years to come.
Featuring poems by Alladene Grace Hadden, Kanasy Yeager, Hannah Calhoon, Hazel Honegger, Skylar Rivers, Blessing Hope, Leighton Opperman, Lissie Laws, Erin Hylands, Rachel M. Adams, Sana Baig, Autumn Grace, Owen Leo Snook, Autumn Acosta, Ava Hope, Jaela Doming. Jessica Sprecher, Anna Kaitlin Fletcher, Emily Sweeney, Margaret Pierce, Evelyn Harwood, and Cadence B. Witt.
Why must the glass
be shattered and flowers wilted
on the trodden path:
delicate trampled to bleed in the gore
of careless words unbridled?
Why must the water spill out and wet the dust?
What was a beautiful vase of violets is
utterly demolished and
seems beyond repair,
But the tender hands of kindness
collect the broken pieces and
slowly place them back together.
Reassembling takes time,
but in the end,
it becomes whole.
Still, there are scars that tell a story
and chipped glass that bring back
recollections of the shattered state.
new flowers bloom and the
mangled ones are tended to.
Old wounds and petals abashed
are rendered to gentle care
and a grave,
forgiven and left to the past.
So fix what has been broken and
replant what has been torn.
Fill again the tattered vase so
the violets can thrive
once more.
- 'Violets' by Ava Hope, Between the Lines: A Poetry Anthology *

Do you write poetry? Who is your favorite poet (I enjoy Emily Dickinson 🥰)? How has your autumn been, friend? I would love to hear from you in the comments!
Now go change the world,
* Poem originally published in Between the Lines: A Poetry Anthology from Skillful Pen Press | All rights reserved
This looks beautiful--and that poem! 😍 Definitely gonna look into this more. 🥰
Congratulations on the anthology, Ava! Your poem is so beautiful, and I love the title.
*adds to cart because GIRL THAT'S AWESOME AND POETRY SO YES*
Congragulations! Your poetry is so beautiful ❤️
That's so exciting!!! I'm going to have to buy a copy😀 aw, and I love how it features a poem by Kanasy *sniffles* *is definitely buying a copy*