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50 Subscribers, Answering YOUR Questions, and Important Announcements!

Writer's picture: Ava HopeAva Hope

Hello hello, friends! This week's post is going to be a little different because I have a few announcements that I want to share with you all. First of all, I've officially reached 50 subscribers!!! *Confetti* To celebrate this little milestone, I'm going to be doing a special questionnaire with YOU. Second of all, I'm also making some important changes and updates to the blog that you won't want to miss.


Tea time first.

I'm stepping back from blogging.

Please don't panic. I'm not leaving, don't worry! I'll still be cooking up writerly content for you all and delivering it to your inboxes. Just not as frequently.

Instead of posting every week, I've decided to begin posting every other Friday. This is a decision that I've put a lot of thought and prayer into and will allow me to...


I can be a very ambitious person, which is a blessing and a curse. As of late, I've been over-committed to various projects, events, and deadlines. Taking a step back from blogging will allow me to recenter and clear my schedule to focus on what's most important to me.

I'm working on managing my time better and being faithful to what God has given to me in this season of my life. I'm also learning that sometimes, I need to say no to good things in order to say yes to the best things.

I love blogging, and I love connecting with all of you. However, posting as frequently as I have has been taking away from other important commitments. That is, loving my family, doing well in school, and putting time into my writing projects.


Can you believe it's already been two months since I started this blog? Time flies so fast! I've learned so much about consistency, perseverance, and community since beginning my blogging journey; and I've also been able to fine-tune my brand and how I want to be serving all of you.

Posting every other week will allow me more time to create content that's high quality and (hopefully) helpful for you in your writing journeys. From now on, I'll be centering my posts on quality over quantity.

I don't just want to be blogging for the sake of blogging. I want what I put in your inboxes to be beneficial and worth your time. I also want to be respectful of your inboxes. I understand how overwhelming it can be to open your email and be SWAMPED with emails and blog posts and not have the time to read them all. (Is that just me? Okay.)


This past month has forced me to reconsider my "why" for blogging.

Writing is hard. Really hard. Sometimes it can feel like we're all alone in our journeys. That's why I'm here for you guys. That's why I started this blog in the first place. I want to be an encouragement and friend to you as we change the world with our words.

I don't just want to post about anything. I want to share the storytelling insights I've gained over time, provide you guys with inspiring content, and (hopefully) make the writing life a little easier.

This is part of the reason why I'm hosting a questionnaire so that you can submit your feedback and let me know what specific topics you want me to post about. 😊


I want to hear from you! I've put together a ✨questionnaire✨ for you all to use as a way to celebrate my little milestone, and to interact with and help you!


The button below will take you to a form where you can submit all of your burning (and random) questions for me. I'll review all the submissions and answer them in upcoming posts! Feel free to ask me multiple questions and fill out the form more than once. 😉

Ask me about the writing craft, my writing projects, reading, blogging, tea, or ANYTHING AT ALL. There's also a place where you request specific topics for future content. I'm excited (and a little nervous) to see what you all come up with!

Thank you so much for all the love you've shown this little blog of mine with all of your kind comments, feedback, and encouragement. Truly. It means so much, and inspires me to keep going! I can't wait to read and answer all of your questions!


Do you have a blog? How do you balance blogging with everything else going on? (Please share! I clearly need all the help I can get. 😂) What/who are some of your biggest inspirations as a writer? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!

Now go change the world,



Lillian Keith
Lillian Keith
Mar 04, 2023

Congrats on 50 subscribers, Ava!

Lillian Keith
Lillian Keith
Apr 07, 2023
Replying to

Lol, no worries!


Mar 02, 2023

HOORAY FOR 50 SUBSCRIBERS!!! *high-fives* Way to go! ^_^

Ava Hope
Ava Hope
Apr 07, 2023
Replying to

THANK YOU JOELLE!! *high-fives* <3


Deigan Marie
Deigan Marie
Feb 17, 2023

Yay for 50 subscribers!! That's incredible, girl! I'm so proud of you! 🤗

And also, good for you. You are listening to God about posting and are trusting in His plan. 💙 You'll always have me as a constant reader, girl 😉 💙

Ava Hope
Ava Hope
Feb 21, 2023
Replying to

Aww, thanks, friend! That means a lot!! <333


Autumn Rebecca
Autumn Rebecca
Feb 17, 2023

You found a way to make an announcement post addictive. How do you write so well? 😅

You made some amazing points! The first and second ones resonated with me so much. I post once a month on my blog. It's not what I want to do (man, it's not), but I know it's what I NEED to do. Posting once a month allows me to focus on important areas of my life and create better content.

Over time, I have discovered that balancing my life and my writing takes a lot of determination. My to-do list is my friend! My growth is slower than normal because of posting schedule, but I know that personal growth is more important than…

Ava Hope
Ava Hope
Feb 21, 2023
Replying to

Oh my goodness, Autumn, you're so sweet! Thank you!! I totally respect that, and think that's really wise! Oh, that's so true. I agree, it's not easy, but it's worth it in the long run. *Hugs* Thank you so much for your support, girl! I'll be cheering you on as well!! <3


Feb 17, 2023

Wow, girl!!! Congratulations on 50 subscribers in just two months!!!! *squeals* I'm so proud of you! 😭💖🎉 Lol, I totally get the decision to post every other Friday! (Heh, I've had my blog for over a year now and I still haven't got into a consistent routine with blogging. 😬😂 It definitely takes time to post quality content!) I'm so excited to see where God takes this blog in the future, Ava! Thank you for all the work you've put into it! <333

Ava Hope
Ava Hope
Feb 21, 2023
Replying to

Aww, Saraina, thank you so much!!! 😭 Oh, I totally get that! The struggle is real. 😂 You're doing a fantastic job (plus all your content is just *chef's kiss* amazing)!! You're so welcome! No, thank you! <333 I'm excited too.😊


Thank you for subscribing! I'm excited to have you here!

©2025 by Ava Hope | Soli Deo Gloria

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