20 Cottagecore Bucket List Ideas For Writers (Spring Inspiration)
Updated: Aug 3, 2024

If you know anything about me, you know how much I adore spring. The vibrant signs of life popping up everywhere, the wild and gentle weather, and the promise of summer. To me, spring is a season of resurrection and new beginnings. Winter is a creative loll for many writers, and I find the spring brings a breakthrough in that area. There's something about the sunshine that sparks a fire to create, so, without further ado, here is a master-list of "spring themed" activities to get you outdoors and motivated to write!

1 | Read at a park or botanical garden
2 | Be a child again… go dance in the rain and splash in the puddles
3 | Pick and press flowers and decorate or make bookmarks with them
4 | Start a collection of something! Pretty rocks, flowers, coins, etc…
5 | Try going to bed and waking up an hour earlier (This night owl has been going to bed early and waking up at 5:30 every day for the past two weeks, and it's seriously the best thing I ever did. I'm 10x more productive and energized than before.)

6 | Spring clean! Go through your closet and donate old clothes or reorganize your desk space
7 | Go thrifting with friends or family
8 | Find or change up your skin-care routine
9 | Go plant shopping... i.e., succulents, seeds, flowers, tomato plants, etc.
10 | Build a fort on a rainy/windy day and write in it
11 | Watch a period drama such as Little Women, Pride and Prejudice, or All Creatures Great and Small - take notes on what you notice about the storytelling or try to fill out a story structure template for it while you watch.

12 | Visit a farmers market
13 | Sit outside and paint or sketch what you see... even if you don't consider yourself an artist
14 | Go for a drive with the windows down and listen to folk music… here is collection of songs I've been listening to for this season
15 | Plan a picnic with friends - bring a big blanket, a basket, and a thermos of tea
16 | Batch create content for your blog or social media, so you’re not stressed (definitely going to implement this one *nervous laughter*)
17 | Bake! Pies, scones, fresh bread, anything…

18 | Fly a kite or cloud watch
19 | Plan a fun writing retreat for yourself or participate in April’s Camp NaNoWriMo - take a designated amount of days to focus and tackle a creative project.
20 | Go for a bike ride and look for new blossoms, bugs, and greenery

Do you love spring (or do you hate it)? Which of these ideas would you do first? Do you find more motivation to write when the weather is warmer, or vise versa? I'd love to hear from you in the comments!
Now go change the world,
P.S. Notice the new layout? My new website is in progress! For now, only my blog section is available. Thank you so much for bearing with me as I change and expand my author brand. I can't wait for you all to see it! ❤️
Eeeep, Ava, I love the new blog look!!! 🤩 I literally gasped when I saw it. And this post is amazing. 🥰 I adore it!
Ooo, I LOVE these ideas!!! I'm definitely hoping to do a lot of these this spring!!! (And the new layout of your blog is beautiful!! That header/logo is soooo pretty and magical - I immediately paused when I saw it and stared at it for a few seconds 😍 Can't wait to see the rest of your site when it's finished! ;) )
Ahh, love this post! And I am soooo excited for your new site design!!! I adore what I'm seeing thus far!
Love this post, Ava! And your new blog design? Gorgeous 😍
I love this so much! It's giving Darling Desi vibes 🥰 Thanks for this, Ava!!